I teach Kindergarten every day as I write. It's true. My 4yo daughter started reading at age 3 and this year she's ready to learn "everything else." Yesterday we picked up the sweetest owl journal* and my daughter penned her first entry:
I can't imagine a more perfect way to start a journal. I used to keep a journal, but looking back realize it was one of those things I did because I was scared to sit down and get busy writing. So I no longer keep one regularly, though sometimes I wish I did.
Do you keep a journal? Does it help you in your writing?
*The journal pictured was designed by Susie Ghahremani for Chronicle Books.
I have a journal, I try and keep up on daily events, or little stories I think of from time to time. I also keep a small one in my purse for random thoughts throughout the day.
My husband also just bought a journal and since he doesn't wear his emotions on his sleeves (like I do) he started to write what he felt in the notebook, they are our love letters and I couldn't be happier with them... they are raw, personal, and emotional.
I love notebooks!! They are like shoes too me!
Jen, lol, I'm the same way! I'd snatch up Suzette's daughter's journal in a second!
Suzette, than is the most appropriate first entry I've ever read. Really encapsulates life, huh? ;)
That journal entry is sweet! I journal on the computer these days. But keep a notebook and pen around just in case.
That is absolutely adorable! My daughter is 3 and I'm teaching her to read. People think I'm crazy, but she loves it and so do I!
I volunteer every week in my son's Kindergarten class (with my 2-yo daughter in tow) and hope you know there must be a special place in heaven for you -- I would've lost my mind ages ago!
The only journal I keep is a gratitude journal. It reminds me what's really important -- especially when I think I'm having an off day.
Journalling is great writing excerise as well as a safe place to vent and release thoughts.Sometimes I am amazed at what I can discover under this skin of mine I never knew was there..Writing is liberating.
Blogging is also a great way to feel like I am journaling..and sharing..it's all a win win
when you write from the heart though!
That is too precious!
I try to keep a journal, but I am inconsistent about it. I always have good intentions, though. :-)
Yes, I've consistenly journaled since I was seven. I keep doing it because every now and again I go back and read through a little section of my life. It helps me to get some persepective. Your daughter will love reading her first journal some day -- and her kids will love reading it, too. :) My daughter has read all my middle school journals. *groan*
aww that is sooo precious!! My son (age 5) is starting to write things like that too. And being an ex-teacher I know if they have a jump start with their beginning and ending sounds learning how to read and write well is next!
I do keep a journal-- more sporadically now and it's the place where I've written lots of poems over the years too. I should go back and look at them now--yikes!
I kept a journal for ten years and then stopped...too many years ago to count. Now though, The Artist's Way, by Julia Cameron requires one, so for the time, I'm back at it, a half hour a day. It feels lovely.
I love writing in my journal, but when I'm working on other projects, it kind of falls by the wayside. I haven't written much in my journal over the last 18 months...
I keep a journal and without it, I'm sure I wouldn't write poems like I do everyday. It really helps me focus my emotion... so it's very private. I don't really write other then that.
My blog is the closest thing to a journal that I have. Does that count?
That is adorable ... and she is so, so right! :-) Love it!
My blog is my journal...only, Husband is thinking about running for mayor, so I may have to tame the blog a bit!
I use to keep a journal when I was a teenager - I only wrote about boys. weird huh? I should write more in my journal, but sadly, I don't .
I keep a journal where I write letters to my MC. I find it to be a great way for him and I to connect.
I use to keep one and yes it was mainly about my writing. I promote journaling with my daughter, because I think it also helps her acting things. Since the computer age though I really don't do a whole lot of journaling. I keep a notebook by my bed just in case something strikes me when I'm hanging out in there.
I used to journal religiously. Then my life got interesting and I stopped writing about it. I guess I got too busy living it.
Oh, I love this! I used to keep a journal, but sadly, I've long since given it up. When my oldest was little, I used to keep one where I would write to her every day. I still have it and will give it to her when she turns 18. But I do regret that I stopped writing in it after she got to be about 2.
I haven't kept a journal since high school. Burned all those one day at a camp fire :)
I love her entry! I don't keep a journal now, but I do keep a pretty notebook in my purse at all times and scribble notes to myself or dialogue that pops into my head when I'm just our and about. I visited my sister in NC recently and found that my three year old niece had a journal. She saved up her allowance for it and hides it in her room. It makes me adore her even more!
I kept a diary all through middle and high school. And I guess it has helped me as a YA writer. I can look back and see just exactly how it was for me in high school. And it's the unedited version of all those feelings.
I totally think a blog could be a journal...you write on it pretty much every day and it's your thoughts and ideas. I kept a ton of journals when I was growing up and they are pretty funny to go back and look at. I took a bunch of pictures of my senior year journal and posted them on my blog....I laugh every time I read it!
When my first son was born premature, one of the NICU nurses recommended keeping a journal to see how much he had progressed. He was three months premature. I was never very good at the whole diary thing, but I did keep writing in it for at least a few months. It's amazing looking back at it now and reliving that period in our life.
My 7-year-old son (different son) had a journal for a while, but he got bored of it.
Inventive spelling is so great!
And your little girl is quite reflective and wise!
Sometimes days ARE good, and sometimes they're bad.
How I have loved reading your comments tonight! I *almost* want to pick up a journal and start writing...
I do think a blog can be a journal. (Not a diary, though.) I know there are companies that will print and bind your blog for you and send it to you as an actual book. I think that would be really neat!
Is it sad that I read "that would be really neat" as "that would be really tweet." I think I'm social networked out for the night.
Tweet dreams.
I keep a journal sort of. Once a week through my personal blog. I wrote my personal history a few years back and I just tack on those blog posts to the end of it. Does that count? lol
This is so cute. I love her invented spellings. I feel the same these days.
I used to write those Morning Pages all the time, but now I usually just write a blog post.
Love your blog, BTW!
Your daughter must have the same schedule as me. :)
This absolutely adorable! A keeper...
I used to keep a journal. I did when I was younger. In fact, I just found them as I was unpacking. Sooo funny to go back and read through them :) In my high school years, I mostly wrote bad poetry in them :)
I don't keep a journal, though I used to in high school. Now I count my weekly emails to my family as my "journal" entries.
So cute, on your daughter, BTW.
I'm a lousy journal writer. Although I've recently started diary entries for a character to get to know her better and she's fascinating. If my life was that chock full of fun happenings, maybe I'd write more. =P
I have a crazy writing journal of my ideas and plot possibilities and characters, etc. I don't keep a personal journal though. Maybe someday. :D
That is so precious! I just love that girl. I write in my "for posterity" journal once a week, usually Sunday, and my "my eyes only/feeling/recovery journal almost every morning. None gets to see that one but me!
my blog is my journal - is that sad?
Blog=journal is not sad. Not at all!
I too carry notebooks everywhere. I just stumbled on one that had the two first blurbs of books I wanted to write - and ended up writing. It was fun to read back and see how the stories have evolved.
Hi, Suzette!
I used to keep a journal all the time. I think I have about three that I kept from the time I was thirteen until my senior year in high school. And... my mother found all three. :)
Most were about boys, friends, school, and teachers, but some of them were fictional stories I composed and had forgotten all about. It's interesting to go back and read them now and see where my love for writing began. And I sometimes wish I still kept one too. But just like Shelli, I think my blog counts, right? :)
Oh, that is priceless. To you now. And, it will be to her when she's grown. I love the way kids write. My 7 year old still spells some phonetically and it's so satisfying to see how things should be spelled. What a great first line!
How. Cute. Is. That.
Can I hug her?? She seems squeezy and loveable!
I don't keep a journal. Unless you count blogging, but that is sort of too public for venting my deepest thoughts and feelings, but it is an outlet :)
*waves* Hi everyone!!! Yes, my little one is precious and squeezy and oh-so-lovable. :D Today I taught her how to make a list with bullet points so she's not smooshing everything together.
I too carry notebooks everywhere. The problem I have is remembering which notebook I wrote the all-important idea in. And sometimes I write on random things, like at the Jazz game the other day. I wrote on the backs of the paper where I'd printed up my e-ticket confirmation. There was this most interesting family sitting in the row in front of me. A dad who kept cheering for the away team, and his seven kids who cheered for the Jazz. He had six sons and one cute red-headed daughter. And, um, I even took a picture of him with my cell phone. *blushes*
So sweet. What a smartypants!
I keep a journal for the WIP. I use it as a side by side doc for whatever I'm writing. Then anything that doesn't "fit" in the book right now goes in there. As well as little notes to myself about where I am in the WIP and where I'd like to be.
Thanks for the smile, I love what your daughter wrote!
No, I never kept a journal... unless you count my memories. I have an incredible recollection for the past. The closest thing to a journal is the memoir I'm working on right now.
I think most of the long winded journal entries I've made in my life could be summed up with your daughter's profound observation.
I always liked the Idea of keeping a journal, but after age sixteen, I fell out of the habit. Writing energy goes toward the novels, the blog, and the notebooks full of ideas. That's probably as close to a journal as I get nowadays...
It's fascinating to learn what each of you do! Thanks for sharing this with me.
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