Anyway, my BFF writer pal Sheralyn Pratt asked me to post about the meaning behind the letters. Letters? What Letters, you ask? See below .
YA=Young Adult
MG=Mid Grade (as in genre/mid grade)
LMAO=Laughing my ass off.
IMO=In My Opinion
JSYK=Just So You Know
BRB=Be Right Back
BFF=Best Friend Forever
BTW=By The Way
BTW, If you have any to add to these, post them in comments and I'll put them in the post with a link to you and your blog.
From Magenta:
ROTFL=Rolling On The Floor Laughing
WIP=Work In Progress
AFK=Away From Keyboard
POS=Parent(s) Over Shoulder
WIP=Work In Progress
AFK=Away From Keyboard
POS=Parent(s) Over Shoulder
TTFN=Ta Ta For Now.
From Nicole:
BICHOK - Butt In Chair, Hands On Keyboard
ROTFLMAO - Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off
ROTFLMAO - Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off
Angela says:
WB = write back
Elana says: FTW=For The Win
Jacoby Says (and how'd I forget this one, LOL): LOL=Laugh Out Loud
Emma Says: TTYL=talk to you later
TTIB=talk to you in a bitBBIB=be back in a bit
BFFL=best friends for life
These are great...I don't know any more though...not really a txt speak kind of girl, though I due use btw a lot!
Ooh, I love these. I've got some to add for you. ^_~
First, you forgot the all important LOL=Laugh Out Loud.
Then there's:
ROTFL=Rolling On The Floor Laughing
WIP=Work In Progress
AFK=Away From Keyboard
POS=Parent(s) Over Shoulder (I actually learned that one yesterday)
JSYK, I didn't know about JSYK before. Thanks for teaching it to me. ^_~
c u l8r!
Oh, one more before I go!
TTFN=Ta Ta For Now. (Tiggers are a wonderful thing. ^_^)
Wow, you really linked to me! Yay! LOL ^_^
TY=Thank You
BICHOK - Butt In Chair, Hands On Keyboard
ROTFLMAO - Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off
Hi Bethany,
Thanks for stopping by my blog. BTW I love love love your profile pic. Did you draw this?
Also, I got over excited and wrote due instead of do...does anyone else do that...sub homonyms when they're not paying attention? I don't mean like misusing your and you're...I mean just typing the wrong thing completely!
LOL, Demitria! I make typos all the time. There are a few words I always misspell, too, like propper. And Calander. Your blog is lovely and no, I didn't draw my profile pi--my Mac did that for me.
Magenta--I really did link you. Thanks for the hilarious letters!
And Nicole, I needed BICHOK! Thanks!
Dude, you need FTW. You know, like "Ninjas, FTW!"
For The Win. Took me forever to figure it out.
Love this! :-)
For a mother of three teenagers, you'd think I'd know all of these, but alas, I do not. So, thanks for making it clear, especially that POS one.
Ha! I love this! I just learned a lot...
That list doesn't include the holy grail of all internet words!!!
Lol - Laugh Out Loud
TTYL=talk to you later
TTIB=talk to you in a bit
BBIB=be back in a bit
BFFL=best friends for life
Those are all I can think of, at the moment :)
I can only think of one to add. WB = write back
I love this post. LMAO is my favourite.
I know quite a few...ahem...unclean ones, but the one that is left on my blog with great frequency is j/k = joke.
Also I didn't see:
OMG = oh my god!
IMO = in my opinion
IMHO = in my humble opinion
FYI = for your information
Those are great! I think I know most of these ones now but I remember having to google a few of them to find out what they meant! :)
I can think of a couple more.
MC = Main Character
ARC = Advance Reading Copy
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