My friend and fellow writer, B.J. Anderson, is holding a contest on her blog--a gift giveaway. And it rawks!
But the rawking part has nothing to do with the fact that I'm giving a five page MS critique. The contest would rock even without that. So go check it out! And I mean it!! I want to see some comments over there because she's one of my absolute best friends. And her contest rawks!
On another note, is anyone else being pummeled with snow? We have shoveled our driveway at least ten times since Sunday. We've gotten more than two feet of the white stuff. It is slowly going from Winter Wonderland to Thank Goodness I've Done All My Christmas Shopping Because This Is A Nightmare!
Have a lovely day!
Just rain here. :o) But we want the snow, so send it south!
Off to check out B.J.'s rocks... er... rawks!
I'm sure the competition on her blog is fierce.
We had a light snow here.
Just curious: Is this contest simply limited to YA & MG, or can anybody enter?
No snow here, and now I 'm jealous. Sounds like a great contest though, on my way ...
A contest? Awesome! And yes, we have snow, snow, snow. (This is when teenage boys come in very handy.)
G--there are no limits on the contest. Anything goes as far as the critique. Good luck!
Wow, what a great prize!
As for snow, nope, not any here. Not yet at least.
We get dumped a bunch of snow, then it melts, then another big dump of snow, then it rains. Currently a yucky slush fest out there.
Yay for awesome contest!
All we've had here in Cache Valley is a skiff or two.
I did get snow tires today though. Not necessarily by choice. Flats rawk too, ya know.
We haven't had snow in the last few days...which probably means we'll have a huge hit someday soon! :)
We've had snow, but none recently. I'm off to PJ's! :-)
I've had a lot of snow too. What really hurt was that the snow hit just my part of the city. Apparently my neighborhood wasn't in the sharing mood. ;)
LOL, Stina!
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