For me, it is the changing seasons... dead winter to thriving spring, parched summer to golden fall, bitter fall to a winter wonderland. The funny thing is, I tend to write my stories in whatever season I am NOT in. I wrote a book set in bitter, frigid winter during a summer heat spell. The book I am working on now takes place in the heat of summer.
How about you? Do the changing seasons stir your creativity?
Yes, but I need to do a better job of putting that creativity into my stories! He he. I love Fall - it's my favorite. I hate winter, but I love its beauty and magic. Hmmm...you have my brain popping! :-)
Wow, these pictures are gorgeous! Is that girl with the purple hair in your novel? Because that would be cool. No pun intended.
Fall is my favorite season, hands down. No contest. ^_^
But that is a VERY beautiful picture for spring! All the colorful flowers and those mountains... Incredible!
I bet that if I were sitting in that field of flowers, right at the very moment that picture was taken, I'd be inspired to write something awesome! ^_^
I've always loved the fall, but this year, being back in my hometown, I've felt a really creative connection to my childhood self. Wonderful!
The only thing the changing seasons stir is my grouchiness! LOL
Really, though, I love the colors of fall but I hate them at the same time because it means my least favorite season is on its way.
I used to love summer but we stopped being friends when I lived somewhere without A/C.
But I will say that my experiences, the extremes and the not-so-fun bits, the heat, the cold, all inspire my creativity in that I'm able to write a more convincing scene that might take place in one of those extremes.
I seem to enjoy writing my all of my stories with a background setting of either Spring or Summer.
Because of the type of fiction I write (R-rated adult) those two seasons allow me to explore everything that my twisted little desires and craves.
I don't tend to write according to season (or even opposite to them).
My last story was started in Summer and set in the Summer. Then editing it took the other three seasons to complete. My current wip (started in Autumn) is set in Spring.
But, wow. Those pictures are wonderful. Thanks for posting them.
LOVE those photos!!!
Your post has made me realize that pretty much all of my writing takes place in spring and summer. Yet, fall is my favourite season. Hm. I'll have to work on that!
Inspiration: the marshes, sunsets over the water, cape cod houses with pink rose trellises, and rock gardents.
Stunning photos!
Love Spring, Summer & Fall. HATE Winter. It can be beautiful, but until I can hibernate through the cold, it stays on the bottom of my list! As a result most of my writing takes place in the other three seasons...unless there's a need for a snow/ice storm to move things along.
Great photos.
No, I think the seasons simply allow or don't allow for more time being creative. For instance, in the summer the kids are on the go and get to stay up later. In the fall with school, I have more time to dedicate to blogging and writing.
Oh, wow! I'm moving to the place in the first picture.
Now if only I knew where that was.
I already live in the third picture . . . but won't mind looking like that girl. Especially if she has some cool powers. :)
Fall is my favorite time of year. I don't know if I get inspired by the seasons or not...never thought about it LOL I get inspired by pictures like the gorgeous ones you've posted. And I do really love to write when it's pouring rain or snow outside. Something about being tucked away inside my house, all nice and cozy, while the elements unleash.
In fact, it's raining today...maybe I'll get some work done :D
The mountains are the Grand Tetons in Wyoming. I've been there in the spring and it is gorgeous! And the fishing is great ;D
Thanks for the inspired pic's. I, like you, tend to write about a season that I'm not in. However, I truly love the changing of the seasons. When I was child I always wanted to see the first colored leaf in the fall, the last leaf to fall in the winter, the first snowfall. It is that time in between that really fascinates me, the transition.
Gorgeous pictures! I haven't ever thought about writing in different seasons, but after seeing those pictures, I should!
Wow, love the winter pic! That one just speaks to me. *starts to scribble ideas down*
Autumn hands down is the most magical season of them all! I draw most of my place setting inspiration from fall colors and settings! ^.^
But Winter is also an inspiration to me, even though I hate the cold.
In my eyes Spring and Summer are the same, and fairly boring....
Gorgeous photos!
Change inspires me, whether it's the seasons or moving my computer to a different room. Just being able to look at things differently as a result inspires me in new ways.
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