(Anyone sensing author photo stress?)
Yep. I need a photo that reps ME. One that says, Hi there. I'm the person who wrote this book--little ol' me.
'Kay. I am at that I-need-a-photo point. And I've narrowed it down thanks to the awesome photo talents of my sister Brittany Hammond (yes, my personal photographer) to a few. So here is what I need to know.
Which ONE?

Let me know your thoughts!
My favorite is number 2. My second is number 4. Dang cute girl!!!
I agree with the above. #2 is my fav and then #4.
ps You still look fabulous!
This post caught my attention because of Joe Cocker's song title. It immediately reminds me of The Wonder Years.
Anyhoo, it's been a while since I've commented here but I wanted to give my opinion.
It's a draw between 1 and 3 for me. #1 just looks like the classic author pose. And in #3 you're smiling, so that's always a plus.
Hope that helps.
I like #3 & 4 the best. Of course, that beautiful face is gorgeous in all of them.
#2 :)
#3 with the great big smile!
I'm with the majority - #2. It shows a hint on a smile and a mischievous side. (Hugs)Indigo
I vote #1 or #4. Great shots! :D
I really like your hair. I think I like #4 the most, but they're all good.
#2 is so freakin' cute!
I vote #2!!! I think it's the clearest and you look that happiest! No matter what one you go with though you look so super cute!
First of all, you're absolutely lovely!
#2 is the best expression for a close up, but I actually like #4 the best. The road and the trees frame the photo very well and put your comfortable position into a cool context.
You cut your hair! I LOVE IT! I love your expression in 2 but really love the background in 4. If I had to choose just one, I'd go with 4 :D Gorgeous pictures, miss you!!
Ooh! I love #1... but it looks like I'm already in the minority. Really, with a face and yoga body like yours, any of them will work. (Don't even give me that three baby thing--I have the three baby thing, not you. LOL!)
#3 has a great smile, but #4 is really cool. :-)
I'm going to vote 1, cropped to portrait size.
Ooh, I love looking at potential author photos!
I'm going to join the minority and say that #1 is my fav. :-)
Gee, I hope that if I ever get pubbed, I have four great photos to choose from--you can't go wrong with any of these. But if I had to choose, I'd go with #2.
I like #2 and #3. Nice photos!
You are beautiful Bethany! I like #4 best :)
I like #2 then #3 (what a gorgeous smile!).
Number 2 all the way!!! I also like number 4, but for some reason, I think musical CD when I look at it. Number 2 though, is utter sweetness! I LOVE IT.
I like number 1 and 2. Cute stuff! :D
I like #2 a lot, but I think the background in #4 is better. It just needs to be zoomed in, maybe...
So cute!
I either like #2 the best, or #4 if you cropped it so it's a closer up shot of you. You're very beautiful!
I like #2 and #1
Both are good pictures.
Good luck.
My daughter and I agree, we both love #2. How cute! I haven't seen you with your hair cut (love it)!
Your bro says #2 or #3.
Number 2, but crop it in even tighter! (The contrast between the dark shirt and your face will be even better that way). If you want a longer shot, then choose 4.
Go get em!
You take a great photo!
My favourite is #4 then #2, but all of them are wonderful :)
Number 2 is my favorite. It looks the most writerly? Good times and that one has a nice hint of a smile too.
I love the smile in #3, but think #2 is the best all around. I like that it is closer up. They are all great! I love the background in #4, so I see why this is hard to choose.
I like #4 the best b/c it's straight on, not looking down on you. That's just my two cents.
I vote Photo #1 :-)
#2 is my favorite :)
My personal fav is #2.
Good luck picking. :)
I vote #2 because it's close up (focus is on you) and you're smiling. Then second choice is #4 because your backdrop is vividly colored scenery rather than just the road. Overall, it's the smile that's a winner for me ;)
I love #2
You're so pretty! I like them all, but I guess if I have to pick, I choose #2. You're lucky you have that many great pics to choose from!
You are gorgeous. I like #2 best.
Three :)
I like #2 the best :)
I like 1 and 3 best. Great pics!
Number 2 first and second Number 4
I like your smile in 3 but I like 4 the best!
They are all four gorgeous! But I like 2 best.
I love number 4 :)
#2 and #4. :-)
#2 seems to be the best of the lot.
Amazing what we can actually look like when we take the time to take care of ourselves.
I'm going to say number 2 because it's a little bit closer up. And I like those better. And your smile was the best in that one.
Interesting how subjective it is.. I like #2 best, but #1 and #3 are not far behind.
They are such cute pics--how lucky to have an awesome photographer in the family. Also, definitely #2!!!
#2. I like #1, but it has to be cropped big time.
They're all lovely. I'd go with #2 or #4. Good luck!!
Total Fox.
#2 or #1.
#2 and #3 are my favorites, though they are all great. #4 suffers from too busy a background though the picture of you is marvelous. Maybe you can crop. #1 is a bit on the formal side.
ooo! Fun! I like 4
I like two:)
You look fantastic in all of them - but #2 is my favorite.
You guys know how to make a gal feel great. Thanks for all of your choices!!! I'll let you know which one is in the lead.
I like #2 the best...except that I like to change the background from gravel to grass. Sorry...its the writer in me tweaking the setting. :)
I love 4!
#4 #4!!!! ^.^
I like 1 and 2 best...
I like #1 or #2
The 3rd but crop to just see your face and your beautiful smile!
Hi, Bethany!
I agree with "Meggan"--and I bet that if you had have had a cropped version of #3 as one of your choices, you would have had a much different outcome on your poll.
I think the reason most people picked #2 is because they preferred a close-up of you, smiling, and that photo fit the bill the best. However, no. 3 is BY FAR the best photo of you.
I wish it weren't too late to do another vote to test my theory. It doesn't matter, though...with a face like that, how can you lose? ALL the photos are lovely. NO WONDER it was difficult for you to choose!
Hey...I didn't realize you girls had a sister with a last name of "Hammond". How cool.
Have a blessed weekend. (Sorry this is so late.)
Cynde's Got The Write Stuff
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