Time for me to write my
author bio.
So, what do you guys like to know about authors?
What would you write in your own bio?
What would you write about me?
How's this... the person who comes up with the best author bio (about me or you--I'm not picky) gets a prize... their choice.
A. A five page critique
B. A signed copy of The Body Finder
C. Hand-dipped chocolates from my most favorite chocolate shop in the world.
Let the bio ideas pour in! (And don't forget to tell me what prize you want.)
I love to hear personal facts ... like about their family or what they enjoy doing in their spare time!
I like personal facts too. Like you can say where you grew up (Sandy, Ut or just Utah, you are strong in your faith and and have strong family values. You can say that you are the 3rd daughter of 5 girls and have 1 bro. Also that you have been married to Jamie for "x" number of years and have "x" number of kids. You could also say when how long you have been writing and maybe what/who has been your inspirations in writing. Also what you like to do when you aren't writing, like spending time with you husband and kids as well as your extended family and friends or traveling, cooking...etc.
Just some ideas.
I am really excited for you!! Can't wait to see your book!! Hugs Candy
I like learning a fun fact about the author. That's why I usually mention in mine about my Renaissance-themed wedding and the sword collection my husband and I have.
Ugh. I had such a hard time writing a bio. I think your bio should reveal the name of the mentioned fabulous chocolate shop. :)
Sad, but I am completely stumped. I don't know what makes a good author bio. I guess what I like to read in someone else's is where they live, do they have kids, a husband/SO, do they write full time or have a day-job. I guess I like the facts. A little humor goes a long way too. ;)
Good luck!
I actually don't usually read many of these so I'm no help! I think the others are right- basic facts with something fun or cute thrown into the mix. Good luck with it!
Oh yeah, I want to know the name of that chocolate shop too! Personl facts are what I love to see in author bio's. The little things that no one would have ever guessed.
Personally, I'd make it quirky.
Here's what I would say for myself - feel free to change it ;)
Steena, a fervent lover of anything chocolate, strives to raise her three daughters to hold the same values. But, she doesn't share. Ever. When it comes to chocolate. Steena spends her days, when she's not trying to hide her secret stash of chocolate from her daughters, searching for chocolate recipes that she can use in her novels and in real life. Her husband and dog often wish she would spend more time with them, but Steena often finds herself torn between her two main passions - writing and chocolate. Keep your eye out for a brand new chocolate cookbook featuring Steena's favorite characters and books. Out in stores in the near distant future ...
I like hearing about personal things too- hobbies and such. I also like knowing what the author has a degree in (if any). For me, I find that if that author is a debut author with no prior experience in writing what-so-ever, it gives me hope! Knowing that their degree is in accounting, marketing or agriculture makes me smile.
Steena, I love yours! And I share your chocolate obsession. Not that I share my chocolate either, lol
Sorry, you lost me with the huge picture of chocolates. *stares wistfully at the screen*
PS Steena's so obsessed with chocolate, all of her mcs make some sort of chocolately dessert during their stories. It's torture reading them. ;)
ha! I hated doing my author bio. You'd think it would be easy writing about yourself, but yeah...not so much LOL
I do like the personal facts though when reading about other writers. It's fun to know if they have kids and where they are living.
Book junky Bethany Wiggins comes from a family of artists, authors, and nature lovers. She received her inspiration for writing "The Hunted" from _______, and feels grateful everyday for the support of her husband, the love of her children, and above all, the regenerative powers of chocolate.
Okay, I'll give this a try. Here is my bio - and while my adoration for chocolate is a given, if I win...I'm going for the five page critique! I've been working with an independent editor and would love to know if/how my revised pages work.
Here's my bio:
Born in San Antonio, Texas—home to more BBQ joints, Mexican restaurants and comfort food diners than people—Catherine Misener was destined to either become a chef or marry one. She played it smart and got hitched to a professionally trained chef and baker, thus freeing her to pursue her other passion—writing. With some patience and much chocolate, they lovingly raise their two children in Vancouver, Washington.
I'm feeling really sad. :-( I thought I posted a great comment here yesterday??? Did I says something wrong? I hope I didn't make you guys mad...
Persistence has paid off for Bethany Wiggins. After years and years of hard work, Bethany’s first YA novel, THE HUNTED is about to be released.
Bethany is an energetic, vibrant, fun-loving YA writer with a passion for all things paranormal. When she’s not chasing demons, eating Twizzlers or writing awesome novels she’s inspiring aspiring writers with her sister, Suzette, on their blog Shooting Stars.
(The one I posted the other day was much wittier...Sorry, this was the best I could do on benadryl...)
I like how Sharon put in the plug for the blog in the bio . . . so smart.
I like hearing personal stuff.
Mine is a bit cheesy...but here is what I have for now:
Jo Schaffer, was born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area, to a literary, intellectual mother and an artist, naturalist father. Her parents instilled in her a love of art, books, nature, people and philosophy. As a child, though steeped in an atmosphere of creativity and culture, she experienced just enough poverty to make her street smart too. She grew up with five sisters, two brothers and countless cousins and was soon known for her skills as a storyteller. Jo wrote her first book when she was six and has written ever since. She left home early to travel the world, visiting other countries and exploring their history, writings and belief systems. Jo schooled in London, studying the arts and British literature and then in Utah, first focusing on archaeology and the humanities, and finally settling on English with a writing emphasis. She married and had three sons with her childhood friend who is an artist and filmmaker, living in LA, Oregon, the Bay Area and now Utah. Jo’s next planned adventure is publication.
Too long??? Meh. (=
oohhh- I want to read the Body Finder.
I love to hear personal details. Funny tidbits are great, too.
You guys are all amazing! I have taken bits of inspiration from all of these author bios and made my own. I'll name the winner in tomorrow's post.
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