Friday, July 31, 2009

Primios Dardos and Humane Awards

Many thanks to Ana Rios for unending patience and the Premium Dardos Award! And to the lovely Danyelle over at Myth-takes for making my day on many occasions, and for giving this blog the Humane Award.

I've had the honor of reading so very many amazing blogs that it was incredibly hard to choose just ten.

I hereby award the Premios Dardos to:
Tips from Ina
Cynde's Got the Write Stuff
The Virginia Scribe - Reflections by Amy Tate
Eric's Working My Muse
Stina Lindenblatt

* * * * *

For downright sweetness I give the Humane Award to the following:

Amanda's Keyboard
Silver's Reflections
Andrea Cremer's A Blurred History
Liana Brooks
Coffeelvnmom's My Thoughts Exactly

Thanks to everyone who follows my blog. What you write inspires me every day, and I'm honored to have you in my life.



Hey winners:
1. Accept and post the award on your blog.
2. Link to the person from whom you received it.
3. Pass the award to 5 other blogs that are worthy of this acknowledgment.
4. Let them know they've been chosen for this award.


Amanda Bonilla said...

THANK YOU SO MUCH! I'm grinning from ear to ear! You're pretty sweet yourself!

Clementine said...

AAAAAAAA! Thank you Suzette! You made my day.

Cynde L. Hammond said...

Thank you so much, Suzette!

I've never gotten an award before and I feel so honored. It actually brought tears to my eyes. (corny, huh?)

Thanks again. You're a real sweetheart.

Cynde's Got The Write Stuff

Conda Douglas said...

I agree with you, the blog world is a delightful resource.

And congrats.

Jessica L. Brooks (coffeelvnmom) said...

Wow Suzette. You are so sweet. And awesome. And helpful. (I could go on and on.)

Thanks so much! You have just given me incentive to keep working and sharing and dreaming! =)

Now I have to figure out how in the world to follow those directions on your blog. Coffee has worn off a bit already;)

Jessica L. Brooks (coffeelvnmom) said...
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Silver said...

awww...thanks Suzy! I'll have to skip my dose of honey today. Havin a dose of you for today is enough!


Silver said...

hey btw, i have an award waiting for you too at my place. Mind coming over to pick it up? ;)Reflections!

Stina said...

Thanks Suzette, for the award. I won't be able to "accept" it until all my travels are done at the end of the month. I'm off now to pack for my trip to the LA SCBWI conference this week. :-)

Stephanie Burch said...

It is wonderful to see so many deserving bloggers being recognized.