Sunday, February 21, 2010

Spread the Love Contest!

We're thrilled to (almost!) reach the 500-followers mark. So thrilled, we are throwing a mini-contest this week to spread the love. (We'll celebrate with a much bigger contest next month.)

What we're giving away:

Two first-five page critiques by two agented authors

We know it's been contest-a-palooza in the blogosphere lately, so this one's going to be EASY.

All you need to do to enter is be a follower and get one new person to follow our blog. That's it. Then leave a comment to let us know you'd like to be entered. (Extra entries will be given for bringing additional followers, Tweeting, etc., so let us know what you do.)

Contest ends Sunday the 28th, winners announced Monday. We won't be posting this week; instead we'll be getting caught up on our own stuff so we can devote time to the first fives of the winners.

Thanks for entering, and let us know if you have any questions!

Suzette and Bethany


Artemis Grey said...

Yay! I'm a follower and I posted on my own blog about the contest. I told anyone who wanted to help me enter by following you to leave a comment saying that they were following because I sent them this way.

So... now lets see if anyone bites.


Jessica L. Brooks (coffeelvnmom) said...

Off to post about this on my blog (and tweet it, of course)! Great idea guys!

Suzette Saxton said...

Woo hoo!

Christina Lee said...

I'm like Pavlov's doggie foaming at the mouth. Of course I am follower and I'll write a blurb about it in tomorrow's blog post ;)

Danyelle L. said...

Congratulations! Will blog about this later this week. Also, I have an award for you two here:

Kristin Rae said...


I am a follower, and I will post a link on my sidebar. KristinCreative

Pamela Hammonds said...

Just signed up as a follower and off to post it on FB. Please enter me in your contest. Thanks.

Mary E Campbell said...

love the new look - great contest offer.

Cole Gibsen said...

Super cute new layout, guys!

Artemis Grey said...

Suzette, that is me in the photo. I'm, glad you like it! The barns in the background are actually where I work and the little horse was the first horse I ever helped/saw get born. I love him dearly but he was sold (to great home where he's spoiled rotten) and so before he left we went all girly and my sister took glamour pictures of me and him.

ali cross said...

Awesome! Congrats on the mucho followers! ♥

Beth said...

HOLY COW! LOVE the new look! It rocks!

also, I am not entering, just to be clear. because almost every one who comments on a contest is entering, I though I'd make sure.

Steena Holmes said...

I'm new and glad to be here ;) Stina brought me over!

Jemi Fraser said...

Isn't everyone following you already???? :)

I'll go off and see if I can find a newbie!

Unknown said...

great contest! I will let you know...

Jackee said...

Yay for spreading the love! As I write this, you only have six more to go. Congrats!

Stina said...

I love contests! I'm twittering and blogging about it tomorrow. :)

Tess said...

Forever the party girls you are....

love the new look over here :D

Suzette Saxton said...

Thanks for the awesome comments! I'm smiling so big I just know I'll have sweet dreams tonight.

Bethany Wiggins said...

I'm feeling the love!

Suzette Saxton said...

Oh cool, two Stinas!

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

Great idea! Awesome prize! I'll be begging publically tomorrow! Thanks so much for helping me on Mark's blog. :)

Christine Danek said...

Great contest! I will post on my blog.

Christine Danek said...

Oh and I saw this on Chocolate Reality Steena's blog :0

Slamdunk said...

Congrats on the large following--that is quite an accomplishment.

Kelly Lyman said...

Congrats! I just tweeted this! @kellylyman

Shannon O'Donnell said...

I'm a blissfully happy follower, and I have posted and linked the contest on my sidebar. I'll put it up on Facebook from my home computer. :-)

cleemckenzie said...

Lovely contest idea. You'll have tons of entrants, I'm sure. I'll do a post on fb and Twitter to help out.

BTW because you do such "sunny" blog posts, I've awarded you The Sunshine Award. It's on my blog ready for pick up. Hope you enjoy.

JournoMich said...

I am a follower as well. I don't usually go for the contests on blogs, but I love that this one promotes writing and helps those seeking publication. I'm posting it on my blog as well, and I hope it brings you more followers and spreads the love in the writing world! Thanks for such a great contest, and please enter my name.


Marcia said...

Ah -- those important first five pages. This sounds great!

Diana Paz said...

I'm not entering this one, ladies, that would not be very fair to those who haven't been fortunate enough to win one of your fabulous critiques :) But I did want to stop by for moral support and say how thrilled I am that you're almost at 500 followers! Also, I love the new blog layout :)

Dana Elmendorf said...

GwOE is spreading the love. I blogged about your contest and I hope hope hope hope I win!

Diana gave you lots of praise for your encouraging words.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the followship and I love the new look!

Jeff King said...

I love the site... nice work.

I am coming from:

I will be a follower and hopefully a faitful commenter.

sarah darlington said...

I'm already a follower. Hi. And I got my friend Swimmer to follow too. I'm excited about the contest!

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

I've been a follower for a while. :) I posted a blurb about you guys on my blog, in hopes of helping to get you over the 500 mark. That is some kind of awesome number of followers! Great blog!

Anonymous said...

Hi I just popped over from Sharon Mayhew's blog.

Blee Bonn said...

How fun and cool and great prizes! I would like to be entered into your contest. I've had one person follow (Jeff King and he is an awesome, awesome follower) and have also blogged and tweeted about it.

Thank you!

Suzette Saxton said...

Thanks so much to those who have mentioned the contest even though they aren't entering! And thanks to those who are entering, it's great to have you here.

We are getting so close to the 500 mark - just two more followers, and then we are there. How fun this is to celebrate with my bloggy friends.

For me, the only downside to these contests is that I really want you all to win. We will be sure to hold a contest every month (with lots more prizes next month) so that we can keep paying it forward.

P.S. Thanks for noticing the new blog layout! I like it too - more spacious than the old one.

lisa and laura said...

You're at 500, you're at 500! Congratulations!!!

Suzette Saxton said...

Oh my gosh, yay yay yay! Time for a happy dance! And how very wonderful to hear the news from my fave duo, Lisa and Laura. <3 <3 <3

Sharon K. Mayhew said...

Happy 500 followers, Ladies! I'd like to enter your contest. Nikki joined after reading my blurb (and following the link) about your contest.


Bethany Wiggins said...

500! Celebration time! (aka, chocolate shop, here I come--tomorrow).

suzie townsend said...

I love the new look! Great contest! Yay for 500 followers :)

Suzette Saxton said...

And I love that my agent follows my blog. Seriously, how cool is that?!?

Polly Calicoat said...

I'm following now and I added you to my blog list. C Lee McKenzie pointed me in your direction. Love the site.

Jennie Englund said...

The new format is lovely!

Abby Annis said...

Great contest! I'm already a follower, and I posted a link on my blog, so hopefully that will send some new traffic your way. :)

Susan Fields said...

I just became a follower and I heard about your blog from Abby Annis's blog. Wow - that's a lot of followers. Congratulations!

Stephanie Thornton said...

Fun contest and I love the new look!

And I left you ladies an award on my blog!

Suzette Saxton said...

Thanks oodles for all the awards! Very exciting!

Stephanie Thornton said...

Ack! I don't know how I managed to spell your name wrong on my blog, Suzette! I really do know your name!

So sorry!

(Man, that was a lot of exclamation marks!)

Suzette Saxton said...

You know what's funny? I read the post and didn't even notice you'd misspelled it. I pretty much answer to anything that starts with Su, so no worries. :)

Unknown said...

You are too sweet!! I am honored to have given you a bit of inspiration! I am loving the new blog, it is very cute! I always enjoy visiting!

Unknown said...

Another awesome contest! Well, I'm a follower, I just blogged about it, and I'm hoping, hoping, hoping that it brings you some more already crossed the 500 threshold. Yay!

Suzette Saxton said...

Thanks Jen and Karen! :)

Crystal Cook said...

I'm a new follower, Karen at Novels during Naptime sent me. Your blog looks great, so glad I came!

Pam Calvert said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pam Calvert said...

Karen from Novels During Naptime sent me! I'm a follower now. Love the design of your blog.


Mandy said...

Woo Hoo....Karen@Novels During Naptime sent me over and now I've got a new blog to follow!!

Clementine said...

Love your new look! Congratulations to both of you.
500, wow!

Unknown said...

Wow, 500. That's a lot, but you do have a great blog here. I've also got an award waiting for you at my blog.

Suzette Saxton said...

Wow, go Karen!!! Thanks for the award, Cheree. :)

Laura Lofgreen said...

Hello ladies. I'd love to be the first two pages of my novel in your contest. And congratulations to you because you won a design stash gift certificate from my blog Please paste on your sidebar or better yet, we'd love if you'd run a feature on us. We'd be happy to return the favor. Happy day to the big winners.

Julie Dao said...

I am a happy follower and will tweet about your contest to bring more happy followers! :) Congrats on your almost 500 ... WOW!

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