Talented soccer player Emmi, 16, is enjoying her good friends and a new crush when she is diagnosed with a possibly fatal virus that requires a heart transplant. Soon, she is pulled from school and feels increasingly isolated as she faces an uncertain future. Abe, another teen transplant patient, offers support, and Emmi’s friendship with him begins to complicate her other relationships. Setbacks and successes, love and tragic loss all help Emmi develop new perspectives and appreciation for what matters, heart, body, and soul.
What I liked about this book: It is a gripping, eye-opening story that isn't wrapped up in a pretty little package--It feels authentic, with real side-effects, real emotions and real consequences.
What I liked about the main character: Emmi seems real. She struggles. A lot! You go through a terribly hard time in her life with her, almost as her. You get such an authentic sense of how it would be to live a year in Emmi's shoes, being sixteen with the possibility of death looming in your future.
The other thing I liked: The voice. I could practically hear Emmi speaking this book directly into my head. I laughed with her. Cried with her. Celebrated with her.
One more thing: Shari does a fantastic job of making such a difficult subject teen-appropriate. I highly recommend this book to teenagers and adults alike.
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I would love to read this book. I find myself turning to these sorts of books from time to time, needing a dose of reality. But what an interesting subject, too. I think when we hear of this sort of thing, we always think about the sickness, and it almost becomes the person's personality. I think it would be interesting to see the personality behind the sickness, especially a teen who not only tries to cope, but continue on with a life that is perhaps forever altered. great review!
I've heard some great things about this book. Thanks for your review.
You get free books? So jealous.
I’ve been following and enjoying your blog for a while now and would like to invite you to visit and perhaps follow me back. Sorry I took so long for the invitation.
Sounds like a terrific book. It's nice to hear about a book addressing this kind of subject that works so well for teens. thanks for the tip :)
That sounds like an awesome book. I love the concept. :) thanks for the review!
This book was offered to Kindle for free. However, it is really a sample, and not a complete book. I wouldn't mind that if I had known up front, and would not have ordered it. Since I'm new to the Kindle world, I guess I'll have to figure out which (free) books are truly complete books. If the free books are all samples, I'll stick with library books. I read a lot of books so it is more economical to read free and library offered books when available. I'll be very disappointed if there are not that many truly free books.
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