Fifteen lovely writers came to a party at my house. Crazy fun. We played a word game where we wrote down a "what if" question about someone in the room. Someone else answered it. And then we read them aloud... but out of order.
This one made us laugh the hardest:
Q: What if Suzette worked at a nudist colony?
A: Then she'd be stuck doing promotional work for them for a whole year. And her hand would constantly be cramped from waving. But at least she'd get to wear that tiara she keeps under her pillow.
That's me, back row second from the right, sans tiara. (I'll have another party in April so Bethany can attend.) Here's everyone else, be sure to give them a follow:
Front row: Jen Wilkes, Ali Cross, Tess Hilmo, Natalie Whipple,
Back row:LT Elliot, Mary Campbell, Nichole Giles, Alaina Evans, Elana Johnson, Angie Lofthouse, Carolyn Vawdry, Lady Glamis/Michelle Argyle, me, Windy Aphayrath.
Not pictured: Kimberly Webb Reid
We were toasting Al Gore, for without his invention of the Internet, we would not have gathered.
What about you? Have you met anyone in RL through blogging? What was it like?
Meeting in RL is fun! (And yummy!)
oh man! I wish I could have been there! It looks like fun!
...but I notice a distinct lake of the male species. Maybe its better that way....
What a fun group! I haven't met anyone yet in RL from bloggin. But I'm happy to have met so many fabulous people online.
Have a great week!
Can I just say again how jealous I am? What a blast!
OOh how fun!!
Wow - that's quite an amazing round-up of bloggers for one place! I have dreams of the RL meetings! :-)
sounds like a lot of creative fun!
I'd love to meet my favorite bloggers IRL.
It was so much fun! I really hope I can come next time, too!
Oh how cool!!!!! Any time I can get together with fellow writers is fantastic...there never seems to be a loss for words or laughter!!
That is one sharp group of writers.
I was able to meet one of my critique partners in December. Wild to make the connection. Very cool.
~ Wendy
I haven't met anyone yet but I would love too! Looks like you guys had the most amazing time!!! How fun!!!
I love "what if" games!!
I need to make sure I'm following everyone you have listed too!
It's really fun to meet fellow bloggers! There's definitely a closeness that comes from reading each other's blogs all the time.
I love your question too! That was so hilarious!
It was so much fun! We need to do it again. =)
LOL! Awww... that sounds like such fun. : )
i have not, barring the few commenters that i knew in RL before i started blogging.
let me tell you, i'm a bit jealous...
It was too fun. I miss you!
We used to play what if all the time. Such a fun game. Sounds like you girls had a blast.
Sounds like you enjoyed your party a lot. Thanks for the laugh about the nudist colony and Al Gore.
How fun! And I love that I recognized so many of those lovely ladies. Isn't it great when blogging friends become real life friends. I've met 5 so far and love them all.
WHat a fun party. I've met one fellow blogger who also lives in Minneapolis. I want to meet many more.
Sometimes I feel like there *is* no distinction between my RL friends and VL friends. In some cases at least. And of course I would love to meet up with many of the VL friends any chance I get.
It was a great time - can't wait to do it again.
We were supposed to have one male there but he didn't come at the last minute.
I agree, friends are friends no matter where you find them, no matter if you've met them face to face or not.
Speaking of, if any of you live in Utah, let me know so I can invite you to the next party!
That came was stinkin' hilarious! I loved the idea of answering one person's question with another person's answer. It was even funnier than when you put the right ones together.
I can't wait for the next get-together. Meeting up with other writers is what keeps my heart beating!
Ladies, I like your blog so much, I had to give you an award. I hope you'll accept it! You can check out my blog to find out about it: http://alsonnichsen.blogspot.com
The only ones I've met in RL are NanoWriMos, but I would love to meet some of the writers I meet on blogs and forums in RL, it would be a blast.
That's so cool. Especially since I recognize a lot of those names. :) I've met one other fellow blogger at the SCBWI LA conference last year, and can't wait to met more this year. ;)
Yay! Meeting "IRL" is definitely fun. I was just saying the other day, my favorite thing about publishing is how all the writers, editors, and agents I know really love talking books.
I was just pondering the thought on how I don't have any in-person writer friends. I'm in Utah and would love an invite to your next party (if I could find a way to get there...). Sounds like you had a lot of fun!
What an exciting, powerful group of people!
I haven't met anyone face-to-face via the blogs, but I have met a couple people face-to-face via the chat rooms.
A great time was had by all.
Yes! I've met you! (And what a delight you are.) I've met several people from online and often it's just like coming home to someone you already knew and loved. Rarely have I not loved them as much--if not more--than I did when we connected from bloglandia.
Suzette--I've given you an award over at my blog. It's one of those fun ones where you have to tell ten honest things about yourself. I look forward to learning a bit more about you. You remind me of one of my writing buddies. (Always cheerful)
I wish I could have been there! It looks like fun!
Work from home India
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