It's not.
I'm one of those people who doesn't know the details of the manuscript I'm writing until I type The End.
Don't get me wrong! I know HOW it will end, just not quite how I'm going to get my characters there. Example: the fastest way from point A to point B is a straight line, right? Not in my writing! If point A is page one, then point B is page 300. And there are about 5,000 different routs between the two.
So I found a couple of really helpful articles, and since I figure (hope?) I'm not the only plot-challenged person out there, thought I'd share.
Ironically, the first is an awesome article my sister, Suzette Saxton, wrote for the Querytracker blog, all about how to more-or-less connect the dots of your plot. That one's right here.
And the other article is a piece of brilliance by Cheryl Klein, and it is right here. (Thanks B.J. Anderson for sending me this one!)
Another spectacular post--Do you ever feel like you're trapped on the outside of the writing world, looking in? Check out Elana's blog.
And that's all for now. Be safe! I hear the weather is CRAZY all over the place!
Thanks for the links. I had read Elana's but not the others...going to read them now...:)
I'm definitely a pantser. After I had to start thinking ahead, turning in outlines to my agent, I became a much better plotter. I use a white board, poster board, and many different colored sticky notes. I'm not a pro yet, but I'm getting there! ;)
Yay! Thanks for the links. You're definitely not alone :)
Yes, I'm very similar. I know where I want to end, but the road there is paved with surprises. It's kind of fun that way.
Definitely a pantser here, I let the story unfold as I'm writing... have an idea of how the story is ending, but the trip there is a surprise.
Dottie :)
I'm a mix. I have all the main points, the big events in a plot. I have an idea of how it ends and how to get there. But beyond that, the word-by-word details are pretty fuzzy when I start writing.
A-ha! This is exactly what I needed for my new project! Thanks, Bethany. :-)
Thanks for the links! Plotting has always been one of the tougher things for me too. :)
Thanks for the links! Plotting is not my strong point, either. Glad to know I'm not alone!
Oooh...thank you for the lovely links! I'm a plotter, but I like to shake things up, too.
Great advice! I need all the plot help I can get :)
Oh, I'm one of the 5000 roads people. I'm all over the place, taking a different path here, deleting that and taking another one.
It's what's fun about writing.
And thanks for the shout-out!
Plotting is SO hard--but it makes ALL the difference. Nice post--thanks for the links!
Actually plotting is one of my few strong points. Characterizations and conveying the emotion of a scene is where I struggle. Thanks for the links though, I know several writing friends who will find them very useful! :)
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