It's a fun time of year, the hinterland between Christmas and New Year's when lucky recipients delve into the books they've received as gifts. Right now I'm reading two: Nate Kenyon's Bloodstone and Jessica Verday's The Hollow.
What are you reading? Are you enjoying it? I would love to know.
I just finished Janette Rallison's "Just One Wish" and Bree Despain's "The Dark Devine." They were both fabulous.
I just finished reading "Pretty is as Pretty Dies" by Elizabeth Spann Craig. FABULOUS! It's a fun cozy mystery with a wonderful mc :)
I'm currently reading Star Trek, New Frontier: Treason by Peter David. I love his series!!
I have pretty eclectic reading tastes!
I'm more than halfway through Beautiful Creatures. There's an unraveling mystery that I'm hoping is explained in this book (and not later on in the series). Happy reading!
I really want to read Jeanette Rallison. I met her at a conference and she was delightful!
Jemi, your tastes are eclectic! I'm the same way.
Oooo, Anna, I'm dying to read Beautiful Creatures. Drop me a line when you are done and let me know what you think of it.
I'm inhaling Laini Taylor's Lips Touch and Dan Brown's Lost Symbol.
And Bethany, I loved Just One Wish. Such a sweet story.
I am totally engrossed by Eon: Dragoneye Reborn. Absolutely brilliant.
I'm also dabbling with Ruined (got a signed copy!!), The Miles Between (but it's not as good as The Adoration of Jenna Fox) and The Maz Runner (but I'm having trouble getting engrossed in it)
Just finished David Eddings' The Belgariad. One of my all time favorites.
Now I'm reading Magician: Apprentice by Raymond E. Feist. Good so far.
"Write Like Hemingway," by R. Andrew Wilson (yeah, I know... he has an initial as his first name--it's still a good book!).
Hm, I'm actually not reading anything at the moment....
How sad!
So, when is that whole party we were going to plan out? ^.^
I'm reading Lush Life and the Duke and I both are going pretty well. You take care and every happiness in the new year.
I just finished My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult. Loved it. Started listening actually to Magyk by Angie Sage.
So many books to add to my reading list!
Yay for inhaling, Jackee. That so seldom happens for me, but I love it when it does.
Beth, you got a signed copy of Ruined? That is so cool! I love the cover of that book.
Brian, can you believe I've not read David Eddings? MUST add him to the list.
Simon, that book sounds fascinating. Would love to know your thoughts when you finish.
J.N. are you back in town??? Can't wait to see you!
Wishing you all the best too, Romantic. Love your profile pic.
Okay, E, Sister's Keeper had me bawling. Oh how I loved that book! And Jodi is very sweet. I've been lucky to exchange a couple of emails with her.
Well, back to reading. Have a great week, all!
I am currently reading Hunger by Michael Grant (the sequel to Gone). Both are good.
@Beth - OMG! How can you be having trouble with Maze Runner??? How far into it are you?
I just finished "the Dark Devine" which I LOVED, and I'm currently reading God has a dream, by Archbishop Desmond Tutu, and The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold. In my to-read pile are Dear John, by Nicholas Sparks and Atonement by Ian McEwan. But I need to finish my first draft before the 31st, so I'll take a break from reading until the 31st when I have set my goal to finish.
I just finished reading "The Dark Divine" by Bree Despain, "Hush, Hush" by Becca Fitzpatrick, and "The Last Olympian" by Rick Riordan. I'm about to work my way into "Leviathan" by Scott Westerfield.
You're right! The hinterland is an excellent time for book reading!
The Hollow is a fabulous read! I loved it! I am currently reading the Dark Divine, another great read!
I'm actually reading 5 books at the moment.
Lord of the Rings - Tolkien. (again!) Interview with a Vampire - Anne Rice. Blot on the Landscape - Tom Sharpe. Twilight - Stephenie Meyer. And....the phone book. No, just kidding!
Very eclectic taste? Indeed :)
Right now I'm in the middle of an old favorite Cloven Hooves and I just started reading The Girl Who Owned a City, which I've somehow missed all these years. A friend recommended that when he found out that I was submitting a YA to agents. Love it thus far.
I'm reading Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn series. I am so addicted! I'm on book two and have read so much that my eyes are started to blur. Guess I better back off just a little. lol!
I can't wait to read Jessica Verday's book!
I'm reading Anne Rivers Siddons - Peachtree Road.
I've been going through a phase of reading YA books by Lurlene McDaniel. So far I've read Hit and Run, Breathless, Letting Go of Lisa, and I'm reading Prey right now. I haven't made it through one yet without crying. I'm definitely going to need to read a lighter book soon.
I'm finishing up Michael Connelly's ECHO PARK and I received Dave Cullen's COLUMBINE for Xmas which is up next.
I'm reading Dirty Laundry by our fabulous editor Dan Ehrenhaft. Figured it might be a good idea to get familiar with his style!
I'm reading a few MSs for people and the Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan-- all are amazing so far!
So many good books to read... I think I can make my 2010 reading list from these comments alone!
Ooh, Bethany I want to read Just One Wish. And The Dark Divine... Book swap?
And I read Leviathan. Amazing.
The Unnameables. Phenomenal.
Life As We Knew It. Scary. But good.
The Maze Runner. Fab.
And I'm currently reading Beautiful Creatures. So far, so good.
I'm reading The Pit Dragon Trilogy by Jane Yolen. It had been in a box for years, and now I'm getting around to reading some of these unpacked books. About half way through book two, and loving it.
Ooooh I enjoyed The Hollow... I'm getting ready to start Catching Fire-- can't wait!
Nothing, absolutely nothing for shame. Usually I'm flash through a book in three, four days tops. I tried picking up a book back in October and it just dragged, I wanted to finish so I refused to move on. I decided this week to let it go and start a new book. My imagination juices need refueling. I think I will start with the Hunger Games tonight.
Just finished WINTERGIRLS (amazing!) and SHADOWED SUMMER this morning. It was good, but not as good as I'd hoped. I wanted to get *scared* and I didn't. Hmm. Don't know why.
Finally got CATCHING FIRE from the library so that's up next because there is a long line waiting for it right behind me and they're *hungry*!
I also have BEAUTIFUL CREATURES and SILVER PHOENIX and RUINED waiting for me. Plus the third MISTBORN by Brandon Sanderson - a signed copy from my son no less!
And that's just part of the pile . . .
I'm still working on Brandon Sanderson's Hero of Ages. It rocks! After that, well I have a long list of possibilities. I hope I read more this year than last!
What a great list! I just finished Carpe Diem- really good. Now I'm about to start Silver Phoenix.
I loved
City of Bones
Hush Hush
The Looking Glass Wars
Percy Jackson series
Skulduggery Pleasant
Dresden Files series
Treason by Peter David. I love his series!!
Work from home India
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