...fumbling around in the dark to find a particular item while having no clue what the item looks or feels like. And then, once you find it, the item might get irritated if it wasn't interested in being found in the first place.
Good news. On Monday I will be unveiling a cool new feature on QueryTracker.net. It's totally related to social networking and will make finding other authors on Facebook, Twitter, blogs and websites easier and faster. QT isn't just for queries anymore!
So go to the main site (it's free!) and update your profiles with all your social networking sites--and your genre preferences. Then watch the QT blog on Monday, December 21.
Oh! And spread the word! More people knowing = more connections for you. (Agents and editors look at these things!)
Thanks, Elana, for letting me "borrow" your beautifully crafted blurb!
What is networking like for you?
Just like the first day of high school!
Networking in the real world (parties, conferences, meetings, etc.) is pure torture. I'm a devout introvert and I struggle with making personal connections. How did I ever get married?
But networking on-line is another thing altogether. I come out of my shell here. I embrace it and use it to fill the void I leave in real-life.
Networking is like the ocean. It's unrelentless, never sleeps, and houses so many fish you can never possibly know them all.
Oh, and it drags you under whether you want to go or not.
And borrow anything anytime!
I'm shy too so networking is so much easier for me than face to face. Plus I can do it in my pj's! I'll look forward to the QT changes!
Well put! Yea for Monday!
I'm going to have to go with both Suzy's and Elana's comments about networking. High school jitters and drowning in too many fish. =P
Being a natural introvert, online networking is a relatively painless way for me to connect with others. One of my blogging partners is now attempting to drag me into the world that is Twitter. Don't know if I'm ready for that but I did update my QT profile and can't wait for Monday! Happy Friday :)
I'm a social butterfly out here in the "real" world, and I love getting to be a social butterfly here with all of you, too! ;)
Sometimes I think it's a little like dying and going to heaven and getting to meet with people you haven't seen or never had the chance to know. That's kind of silly, isn't it?
It's like walking into a party where you don't know anybody. But once you get introduced to that first somebody you can let out the breath you've been holding. Looking forward to seeing what's new! Ok how STRANGE that my word verification below is SYNOPSIS!!!!
Networking is a lot like making small talk in the waiting room at the doctor's office. You end up spilling your guts to complete strangers, but walk away with a new friend.
Networking gobbles up a lot of time, but if someone wants to make a name for him/herself it has to be done. I try not to let it overwhelm me. Everyday I do something small in regards to online networking or signing up for something in person.
Best graphic EVER!!!
Tee hee, thanks Jennie!
Medeia, that is a great strategy.
I love all the analogies, you guys. You make networking sound so beautiful. It really is a fun thing, though, isn't it? I am really looking forward to the new feature on QT and am glad you all are updating.
Funny thing - when I signed with my agent, my husband said, "So this means you can quit networking, right? Your agent's going to do it for you?"
I have had so much fun networking! The people I've met are amazing. I never knew being a writer would open up so many doors.
Networking is great! I've met so many nice, wonderful people since I've started blogging. : )
I don't regret networking. It has been loads of fun and I have met some fantastic people.
Love the graphic! Networking is like swimming in the ocean at night; much more fun than I thought, and I wonder why I don't do it more often.
oooo, I'm intrigued. You guys do such great stuff over there.
And networking? It's a love hate relationship.
I've met wonderful people too - in fact, some of the best friends imaginable. Wouldn't it be nice if it were easier to find these friends? That's what I've been working on over on QT.
Your new feature sounds really cool. I'll have to check it out!
Hi Bethany! Nice to meet you and thanks for stopping by my place, I enjoy meeting new people.
I read Elana's post Friday about Query Tracker expanding their features. Awesome news!
Networking is fun for me, I love chatting and interacting right behind writing. It could be that I'm still too wet behind the ears to know better!
I love networking, but the problem is that I love it too much...when I should be writing instead.
Thanks for all the support, peeps! It's good to see some new faces on here.
Networking...isn't that what They use to catch fish?
Thanks for stopping by my blog Bethany.
LOL Southpaw!
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