Sunday, October 25, 2009

An Offer I Can't Refuse

Two short months ago Bethany announced "I Have an Agent" and today I'm beyond thrilled to share the same news.

I have accepted an offer of representation from Brendan Deneen of Fineprint Literary Management. I've worked with Brendan in the past over at the QueryTracker blog, so I already know what a terrific guy he is, and I'm honored to be working with him in this capacity. For more info about which project of mine caught his eye, check out Mary's post on the QTblog.

What makes my journey and Bethany's unique is that we set out together when we made a pact to write. Seven years and many novels later, we have reached agenthood within six weeks of each other. I love ya, sis, and have enjoyed sharing this journey with you!

Thanks to each and every one of you who follow this blog and who have offered your unfailing support. You have helped me grow as a writer and as a friend.

Warmest wishes,



Tess said...

wa-hoo! I am sooo excited for you. Can't wait to pull your novel off the shelf :)

feywriter said...

Great news! Congrats! It's so cool that you two went through this all together, then got agents at the same time.

Regina Quentin said...

Congratulations! I hope you enjoy the journey!

Jessica L. Brooks (coffeelvnmom) said...

Congrats! So happy for you! *Yay*

MeganRebekah said...

Yay! Congratulations!!!!!!

Elana Johnson said...

A huge, huge CONGRATS!! Can't wait to see where you go next. :)


B.J. Anderson said...

CONGRATULATIONS, Suzette!!! That is awesome news! :D :D :D

Wendy Paine Miller said...

Congratulations! A fine agency for a fine writer.
~ Wendy

David Kazzie said...

congrats to you both!

Judith Mercado said...

My heartfelt congratulations! Well deserved.

Andrea Cremer said...


Windy said...

Congrats Suzy! So excited for you!

Bethany Wiggins said...

I know I have already said this, probably 500 times, but... CONGRATULATIONS!

Teri said...

Suzette, congratulations!!! That is wonderful and well deserved!!!

Nayuleska said...

That is awesome news! You must be over the moon. Yay!

Looking forward to following your publishing success :)

kah said...

Woo hoo!! Congrats! And what a fabulous agent to land. :)

Angie said...

Way to go! I knew you could do it. :)

Danyelle L. said...

Yay! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you. :D

Sherry Dale Rogers said...

I am doing the happy dance just for ya'll. Clap, clap, clap.

Dolly said...

congratulations! It's wonderful news.

Diana Paz said...

Oh SUCH huge congratulations!!! And now I can blog a proper congrats to you and Bethany (as opposed to the time I confused you for your sister, eek!) Amazing, you two are truly shooting stars :)

JANICE said...

Thank you for reading my blog. I want to get my story of pain out. as you might have read I'm as talented writer as you. but it needs to be told to help other who have been the horrors that i have threw.I want them to know there not alone.
Thank you for any help

Valerie Geary said...

Fantastic!!!! I'm doing a happy dance for you!!

Unknown said...

Congrats - what wonderful news!

Fireblossom said...

Wow, that's wonderful news! Good for you! :-)

Unknown said...

Congratulations again! I am so happy for you and for Bethany!!!

Corey Schwartz said...

Wow! That is so cool. Congrats! Are you literally sisters? Or is it just figurative?

Krispy said...

What great news! Congrats!!!

Mary Lindsey / Marissa Clarke said...

Couldn't be happier for you, Suz. What a joy and delight this ride has been. Love you and Beth both. Couldn't happen to nicer or more talented folks. Congrats.

Bethany Wiggins said...

Corey, check out the photo of Suzette and I standing together, found on the right side of the blog. If the picture doesn't answer your sister question... All right. Literal, blood, we-share-the-same-parents sisters.

Anonymous said...

Great news, I know you must be excited! The best of luck now!

Stina said...

Congrats, Suzy, on the great news! I just read the blurbs for your MG books on your website. They sound really cool. I can't wait to read them. I'm keeping my fingers crossed I'll be seeing them in the bookstore soon (soon for the publishing industry, that is).

Suzette Saxton said...

I can't thank you all enough for your wonderful comments. You have made my day over and over again.

It's true - we are literal sisters - and even our parents (and very occasionally, with much chagrin, our husbands) get us mixed up. We grew up in a big family, and all six of us kids answer to "Su-Ti-Be-Ma-Bri-Na" which is the sound our mom made as she scrolled through the list of names, trying to figure out which one to call us. ;)

cleemckenzie said...

Wonderful news, Suzy. Sounds like you have a great agent.

Tonya Kappes said...

SUPER HUGE CONGRATS!!!! I am soo happy for you!!

Clementine said...

Suzette!!!!! How wonderful!!!!! You must be thrilled - I can't wait to read about your first sale next!

Unknown said...

You know how I feel about this news!

Over the moon.

VR Barkowski said...

Congratulations! Celebrate each step of the way and enjoy the journey!

Arooj said...

you have got truely a nice blog

Kathy McIntosh said...

I am so pleased for you. Celebrate, enjoy, keep writing, and let us know when your book hits the shelves.

Conda Douglas said...

Congrats, congrats to the both of you--excellent news! And it shows how persistence (and pacts) pay off!

Mother of Four said...

I am so excited for you and Beth! You are AWESOME! Plus I can say "I knew you when" :) My Katie is so excited for you too, she keeps telling me we need to go buy your book so you can sign it for her. Too cute! Love ya Friend! Candy

lisa and laura said...

AH! Can't believe I'm just seeing this post now! Congratulations!! You guys are a talented pair. I'm loving all of this great news!

Katie Anderson said...

YAY!!!!!!!! So excited for you!!!!!!